Taco Bell

I go out, I drive past fast food joints, and I am not so strong or so militant that I do not weaken. I actually like to grab something at a drive thru (I’ll admit it) and eat it on the run.

I can do this and stay vegan if I go to Taco Bell, and I really like their Raspberry Iced Tea.

think outside the bun

I get a bean burrito, NO CHEESE — “No cheese?” — Yes, that’s right, no cheese, and I want rice, lettuce, onions and tomatoes on it, Okay? — “Sure, that’s okay.” — Thank you very much.

Get Your Grill On! – Vegan Chick’n Gardenburger Patties

You really don’t need a grill to eat one (or more) of these chick’n patties. Even if you fry them in a pan they taste like you grilled them over an open flame.

Gardenburger - Flame Grilled Chick'n Patties

Gardenburger Chick’n Patties are an amazing feat of technology. I still marvel at the thought that people can create something out of soy that tastes so close to the real thing. Actually, I have had chicken burgers at fast food restaurants that taste less like chicken than these vegan patties.

Enjoy… and they are good cooked on the grill too.

Wasabi Peas

Wanna kick, vegan style?

Can of Hapi Snacks Wasabi PeasHapi Snacks Wasabi Peas

If you like the spicy green relish that comes with sushi called wasabi, you will absolutely love this snack. I used to buy these in bulk in my local health food store, great place called Sawall Health Foods, but the quality of their wasabi peas was spotty. Nice and green one time I’d be there and then too yellow to buy another. So no wasabi peas for me in a while, but then I happened upon these Hapi Snacks brand wasabi peas (sorry, no website) in my local grocery store and grabbed them. They are really tasty and consistently good every time, and I also like getting them in a can with a seal up lid. Completely vegan.

Bisquick is Vegan! – Streusel Coffee Cake

Oh Betty…

When I was going to college I had a roommate/best friend that was a genius at keeping us alive. We would have absolutely nothing in the house, food-wise – not even milk, and she would get up in the morning and make us the best coffee cake in the whole wide world.

Bisquick was her secret and if you are vegan and have armed yourself with Ener-G Egg Replacer [or any vegan egg re-placer], you don’t even need an egg.


Just add water, sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon and vegan margarine, all stuff you can keep on hand.


Streusel Coffee Cake
Cinnamon Streusel (below)
2 cups Original Bisquick mix
2/3 cup water or *milk – (you can use soy milk, but to my taste it makes it a bit gummier – cut it with 1/2 water if you do)
2 tablespoons sugar
*1 egg – Vegan Egg Replacer

1.) Heat oven to 375? F. Grease 9-inch round or square pan. Make Cinnamon Streusel; reserve.
2.) Stir together remaining ingredients until blended. Spread in pan. Sprinkle with Cinnamon Streusel.
3.) Bake 18 to 22 minutes or until golden brown.

Cinnamon Streusel
1/3 cup Original Bisquick mix
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons vegan margarine (firm)
Mix all ingredients in small bowl until crumbly.

*non-vegan ingredients suggested in Betty’s recipe.


I have never made falafel before this week, but I am always on the look out for high protein foods these vegan days. I happened upon this box of telma Falafel Mix in my supermarket’s Jewish food section.

Jewish food

I appreciate Jewish food, I love how they have the food marked – PARVE – so I know it’s vegan without having to read the box. I don’t know if this is necessarily the best falafel mix, but it is made in Israel under the supervision of the Chief Rabbinate of Haifa.

I also bought the telma tehina sauce to go with my falafel. (Unfortunately they don’t have a website) I didn’t make the serving suggestion on the front of the box, I made a nice salad with them instead.

It is a pain to have to fry them in a 1/4 inch of corn oil, but other than that, I really loved them and the tehina sauce.

Amy’s Veggie Loaf

UPDATE [2023] – I had this for dinner last night, purchased at Wal-Mart. 10 miles from me. Thank you, Amy.

——- original post ——-

I am so busy lately. Between work, summer fun and family events I have not had any time to cook.

So if I can get to the health food store, which unfortunately is like 50 miles away, I stock up on these Veggie Loafs, amongst other things. I usually get the regular frozen dinner, which includes mashed potatoes, peas and a slice of loaf with gravy. Totally vegan meal in 5 minutes in the microwave, no muss, no fuss at all.

Amy’s Veggie Loaf also comes in a family size which includes 4 slices. Perfect for the small vegan family, except you don’t get the mashed potatoes and peas, and I hate that because I appreciate having vegan mashed potatoes that I don’t have to make myself. Oh well.

Either way, this veggie loaf is great and the gravy is the best. Try it when you’re busy, lazy, in a hurry, whatever.

Almost Vegan Quesadillas

One of my favorite quick “almost vegan” meals is quesadillas, especially when I have an avocado on hand. My favorite quesadillas are spinach-mushroom. Of course I use Veggie Shreds [not available anymore, any vegan cheese] and I also use these Tumaro’s Gourmet Tortillas.

These are great, truly vegan, and organic. They come in a number of different flavors: Jalapeno & Cilantro, Chipotle Chili & Peppers, Pesto & Garlic, Garden Spinach & Vegetables, Sun-Dried Tomato & Basil, Honey Wheat, Premium White.

I realize most everyone must know how to make a quesadillas, but just in case you don’t, recipe below.

Almost Vegan Quesadillas
Bag of Spinach
Cheddar Flavor Veggie Shreds
1.) Saute enough Mushrooms and Spinach that you need (for 2 I use 6 mushrooms and 2 big handfuls of spinach) in oil in a large skillet. When cooked take out and put on a plate.
2.) In the same skillet, use the same oil or add a little more and place a tortilla in there. Cook till it puffs up or is golden on the bottom and turn over. Remove the skillet from the heat for a moment, place a good amount of mushrooms and spinach on half the tortilla, and sprinkle with Veggie Shreds. Fold over and return to heat. Cook on both sides until tortilla is golden and cheese is melted.

Ultimate Chai

This is the best chai tea there is and it just happens to be vegan.

It comes pre-mixed with the “milk” – Westsoy soy milk that is – already in it. I usually still cut it with soy milk, about 50/50, but that is just my personal taste.

I love this stuff and I would probably drink it even if I was not vegan. It is smooth and sort of chocolaty tasting instead of being really sharp and super sweet like most chais.

UPDATE [2023] – No longer available. Try it. Available at most mid to upscale supermarkets or check the Westsoy [now Westlife] website.

Almost Vegan Mac’n Cheese

I eat Veggie Shreds and they are the reason why I am “almost vegan.” They contain casein, a milk protein that is from a cow.

Now I am not proud of the fact I eat Veggie Shreds cheese with casein, but I cannot find any other non-cheese cheese that quite does it for me. This stuff melts like cheese, tastes like cheese, and satisfies my cheese cravings.

I love cows. I hope they don’t mind.

This is not a fancy mac’n cheese recipe. Just a very basic, quick and tasty meal when you’re hungry with very little time.

Almost Vegan Mac’n Cheese
1 – 1 1/2 cups Veggie Shreds Cheddar Flavor
1/2 pound macaroni, shells, or whatever pasta you prefer
1-2 tablespoons vegan margarine
1/4 cup water

Cook macaroni to taste, drain, place macaroni back in the pot on low heat and add Veggie Shreds and vegan margarine. Stirring constantly while the Veggie Shreds melt, add a little water at a time to loosen up the mixture until you get the perfect mac’n cheese consistency. It may take a bit more than 1/4 cup of water or a bit less depending on your taste.

I usually add some steamed/microwaved broccoli and/or cauliflower. I’ve also been known to toss in some roasted soy nuts to make it a bit more interesting.

Panera – Vegan/Non-Vegan Lunch

I know a number of non-vegans, in fact I know a lot more non-vegans than vegans. Other than explaining why I am vegan, the most difficult thing is to go out with them and end up eating something I like. Panera’s a good place for this.

Great bread and tasty bagels if you would like something sweet.

They always have a vegetarian/vegan soup, sometimes two. They have salads, but they are expensive and have some really tasty cheese on them that you will have to tell them to take off and still pay for it.

They have some fancy bread dipping sauce that is vegan.

They have soy milk for your latte or chi tea.

I am not recommending this as an incredible vegan dining experience. But if you are by a mall with a non-vegan and you want a quick bite, scan for a Panera Bread and you can eat something tasty too.

Another great vegan feature is on the Panera website. Their menu and nutrition section allows you to click on many of their foods and see the ingredients so you can easily find what’s vegan legal.