Vegan Scones

I found these scones at my local upscale grocery store, from their in-house bakery. Now I just read the ingredients on a lark thinking, no way will these be vegan… BUT THEY WERE!!!!
So the moral of the story is — read ingredient lists on baked goods in your local upscale grocery store. You never know what you’ll find, and thank God for partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. It is saving some cows some work.

4 thoughts on “Vegan Scones”

  1. partially hydrogenated oils are the bane of my existance. they may be saving cows some work, but they’re doing their part to do even more damage to your body than animal proteins and fats.

  2. I was just saying today how much I LOVE scones and wish I could find some vegan ones for those “I reallly want a scone but don’t have enough time to bake one” moments. Now I’m going to scour the local supermarkets – you’ve given me hope! Thanks, Denise!

  3. I’m with the Aug. 8th comment-leaver: Partially hydrogenated oils are bad, bad, bad for you. Try coconut oil. Try the new green-label Crisco. Try trans-fat-free margarine like Earth Balance. But AVOID partially hydrogenated oil!


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