I happened upon this particular (obscure) brand of fig bars at my local grocery store. Maybe it was the name, but I glanced at the ingredients.
Yep, you guessed it, completely vegan and they are so good. Even without the eggs and milk the cake is soft and the inside is of course chewy. It said on the box: From the makers of Matt’s. Matt’s? Never head of it.
These might be a local offering, they are made in Chicago, but I think there are other brands of fig bars that are vegan so check the ingredients on the brands you find. You might get a nice surprise.
These are made by Cookie Specialties in Wheeling, IL. Matt’s Cookies are Chocolate Chip etc. and star in the movie Breakfast Club.
Zion cookies go back over a hundred years. John Dowie was an extremist evangelist who founded Zion, Illinois about 150 years ago. Every street had a biblical name at the time. The town was dry until the 1990s. Zion fig bars and cookies are now owned by Matts