Free Vegan Food!

Not really, that title is a bit misleading, I don’t actually have free vegan food to give away. BUT I do have a LIGHTLIFE $1.00 off coupon.

The link above will take you to the Lightlife site where a popup window will auto-open containing instructions on printing your coupon. They make you install a “coupon printer” (I did it, it’s nothing – you can say yes with no worries), and then your coupon prints. The coupon expires 5/31/2007, for those of you who find this page years from now and want your $1.00 off Lightlife coupon, sorry.
Did I just happen upon these coupons? No, they happened upon me. I am a lucky vegan. is a lot of work, you should see the spam comments I have to sort through to find the real ones (1000 to 2), and they are disgusting — “Tall hairless blond…” — you get the picture, I’m sure. But, there are certainly perks. Eat your hearts out, I get free vegan food.
Lightlife, already one of my very favorite vegan food companies, somehow found Almost Vegan and wanted me to get a chance to sample some of their products that I don’t usually find at my local Wal-Mart. That’s right Wal-Mart. You gotta hand it to a vegan food company that have gotten their products in that store. Talk about reaching the masses, no matter what you think of Wal-Mart.
I love Lightlife and I have for some time. Proof below:
Search Almost Vegan for Lightlife >>
That link above turns up 6 posts, 7 if you count this one.
Well, Lightlife (bless them) sent me a huge box (actually a refrigerated cooler!) of their vegan food products. YEEEEUM! Most all of them I have never seen before. I have tried a few already and they are incredible…I mean really, really good, and they also sent a couple old favorites — Gimme Lean and Chick’n Strips. Out of my gratefulness to Lightlife I am going to do a series of posts on the products they sent me, thanks Lightlife.
Oh man. I am in vegan heaven…
And believe it or not, that’s not all. Amy’s noticed all the entries I had about their incredible vegan food products and sent me some coupons as a thank you. 5 of them are actually for totally free products, any kind I want, and some $0.55 and $1.00 off coupons too.
Thank you so much Amy’s!
Some days it’s great to be a vegan blogger.

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