Why Almost?

Originally, I called the website “Almost” Vegan because I ate products with casein in them. Casein is a derivative of milk so I was “almost” vegan. Now though, I must admit, I do eat dairy sometimes. Sometimes I fall off the vegan wagon completely and eat cream and cheese and even yogurt. Don’t be mad at me, I just felt run down and after 10 years of being off dairy completely I was finding it very difficult to  sustain the vegan lifestyle.

I assume most of you will understand, I wonder if many of you have not fallen off the wagon, on and off, yourselves.

As long as I am confessing, I should say that I have also eaten fish a number of times in the past few years. I don’t do it often, but when I do what a rush of protein I feel. Wow. I go out to dinner with people who are hard core carnivores, actually that is exclusively who I go out to dinner with. I don’t know another vegetarian here in the Midwest. The  carnivores get angry and frustrated that I don’t “eat anything” as they call it. If I try to create meals out of the exclusively meat and fish entries on the menu, they become embarrassed. So I eat fish sometimes in these circumstances.

So, definitely “Almost Vegan”. By many accounts (because of the fish), I am “almost vegetarian”. I don’t mind this thought. My years put in as a good vegan I feel have really paid off. If I don’t jump off the wagon completely, and I find that I don’t. I very much appreciate the dairy and the fish when I indulge in them. My vegan base gives me a great diet. I do not consume very much animal products at all. Never meat. So I continue my vegan quest, though not as fanatical as before.

19 thoughts on “Why Almost?”

  1. Hi,

    I like that you are ALMOST vegan. I’m a web programmer and want to involve myself in the vegan and vegetarian movement. I haven’t been able to be a vegan. I want to start with making as many meals as I can at least vegetarian. I would really like to talk to you, to see if I can help out with your site.


  2. I do not mean this in a snarky way, but you may want to look into lifting your self esteem a bit. That is, you might work on your ability to eat what makes you feel good, without feeling like you need to apologize about it. After all, your existence on this planet is just as valid as anyone’s, more so, since you’re you; and if you don’t give your body what you decide it needs, you are making an animal suffer just the same.

    I have gone on stints of Vegetarianism, as well as Veganism, generally due to the food available to me during certain periods of my life. However, I don’t espouse the lifestyle, or feel that shame is necessary to make kindness possible. The only thing that really bothers me(and unfortunately it’s rampant)is the attitude that it isn’t important to give any consideration to where our food comes from. That bothers me, because it seems like mass non-thought, makes it easier for the meat, pesticide, GMO, etc… industries to get such lock on the American diet that it’s economically unfeasible to bring less destructive ideologies and food sources to the mass market.

    Even with people who subscribe hook-line- and-sinker to the factory farm culture, I feel it’s better to search for compassion than to espouse any sort of antipathy for them. Love is the only true key to the human mind, whereas hate scars and closes us off, often permanently.

  3. Thanks Michael for sharing this, I’m just like you; Most of the time I try to have a vegan diet but it’s something complicated. I do my best, and I know that one day I will be able to do it! (I’m Brazilian sorry about my English)

  4. I am also “almost vegan” I have drastically reduced my contribution to the animal farming industry and consider it a contribution to the greater good.

  5. You’re a pescatarian. Not a vegetarian. Not a vegan. And most certainly not “almost” anything. Get off your high horse and admit it instead of calling yourself a title you don’t deserve.

    • Man, it’s just a domain name I’ve had since 2004. Back then, it was just a thought. Not an easy thing to do day after day. Would like a break, please.

    • Wow vegan it’s ironic you talk about others being on a high horse. stop being such a judgemental self righteous twit. everyone’s on a journey and not everyone is where you’re at. IF you think that being vegan is a choice you make out of morality and therefore I would assume would like to see more do the Same then you will attract more flies with honey than vinegar and yes honeys not vegan and vinegar is but the point is that if you are compassionate you’re more likely to influence people than your current acidic approach.
      Someone who is “almost” vegan despite your binary ‘you are’ or ‘you’re not’ position is closer on the spectrum to your position and has more in common with you (food wise) than the majority of folks who eat meat maybe you could try to see the good in others rather than the bad. You tend to see what you look for.

    • I hope you’ve grown as an individual since this comment was made. In case you haven’t, “Vegan” isn’t a title, it’s an adjective. You probably don’t have a “PhD” title either. It also isn’t a name but you clearly decided you were worthy of claiming it as yours. This part makes your quip about high horses hysterical! There are thousands of almost vegans out there as well as almost pescatarians. I’m almost both of those things. I’m also almost fat, almost wealthy, and almost annoyed by people vomiting their uneducated and hostile opinions on others to make themselves look better. Did I say almost?

  6. Awesome site!! Thank you! I love the name, almost vegan and appreciate the great recipes. Soooo often I want a meal that’s vegetarian, but doesn’t have to be 100% vegan. Mostly vegan though.
    Reading through the comments is funny. I personally think labeling everything gets REALLY old.
    So, just dropping by to say hi, and thanks, and great name!

  7. Way to go “Almost Vegan ” !!! We are all just trying to be the best versions of ourselves. No one should judge anyone unless they are perfect, and no one is perfect!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I am almost vegan too, in that I don’t opt for any animal products in any of my daily life, unfortunately people are quick to slander usually because of a lack of their own confidence. I like you sometimes eat fish if I am out and there are no other options, I do still shun the dairy ie no butter sauce etc. But as someone else said above, it is about your contribution to the planet and putting the best fuel in your body. There is no problem with your domain name, it is perfectly acceptable term and no one should be judged by a label, take care and great recipes xxx

  9. It’s frightful how nasty some of these commenters are. I’m sorry you had to put up with that kind of ignorance. I googled “mostly vegan” and got here! I will check out your recipes. I am less “almost” than you (I do consume fish, cheese and bacon in very small quantities, eggs in not-small quantities, and twice a year or so eat beef) but the info is very welcome!

  10. I love it! I say ‘almost vegan dot calm’ on my website for levity, here and there. Today I thought, Hmmm, I WONDER if that’s an ACTUAL site? Too funny! Good for you, eating healthy, and spreading the word and helping others. (I mean, ferreal healthy, not what so many poor souls THINK is healthy.) When I have more time I’ll check out your site in depth. You have a long calendar of stuff to peruse.

  11. Love the name. I have been almost vegan since January of this year, I think at 56 I could live this way for the rest of my life. Which should now be longer… no need to go all the way anything. I had been calling myself a 90% vegan, but I am now appropriating the Almost Vegan label for myself, sorry not sorry. Looking forward to making some of your recipes. Cheers.


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